26 Jan Staff Spotlight: Kerry Blinn

Kerry Blinn
– Kerry Blinn
Where you live?
– North Elba
Where are you from?
– My family lived in Schenectady until I was in middle school, then we moved to the region, first to Wilmington and then settling in Lake Placid.
How long have you worked at ROOST?
– Almost 5 years!
Job title?
– Administrative Assistant & DMP Coordinator
1-2 sentence description of your job duties:
I’m the Administrative Assistant to the President/CEO (James McKenna). We work with our contracted regions on a variety of projects and issues, including Destination Planning.
What do you like about working at ROOST?
– No two days are the same, and there is no “typical day at the office.” (And there’s always food in the office. Always.)
What are the highlights of your Christmas letter this year?
– This year I worked really hard to earn my Certified Administrative Professional designation through the International Association of Administrative Professionals, which I passed in September.
Also, this Spring my husband and I are expecting a baby boy!
What’s your favorite book and why?
– Persuasion by Jane Austen, followed closely by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I received a Jane Austen novel as a gift, then I decided I needed to read all of her other works. I like how her novels highlight societal issues of the time, and it is easy to see how many of those subjects are still prevalent in today’s society.
Tell us about your pets and/or children.
– I have a fur-baby mutt named Addie. She adopted my husband and I two years ago, and she is very excited to be promoted to big sister.
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
– My brother was born in May 1992, I was 4 years old and my sister was just shy of 6 years old. With our mom being in the hospital after giving birth to our brother, my sister and I convinced our dad that we were allowed to wear our nice Easter shoes that we obviously knew we weren’t supposed to wear. I don’t remember much about it, but I do remember going to visit Mom in the hospital, with our Easter shoes clicking away on the floor, and Mom realizing what we had on our feet. She was furious. My sister and I still laugh about it.
What’s the last movie you saw/went to? What did you think of it?
– Star Wars: Rogue One. It was better than I expected it to be. Since it is a sequel to a series of prequels, I didn’t know what to expect in regards to where the storyline would take the characters, but it was easy to figure out the end based on where Star Wars: A New Hope began.
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