09 Jan Franklin County celebrates new brand for Malone Region
For immediate release
Contacts: Michelle Clement, Director of Marketing
mclement@roostadk.com; 518.621.3689
Carrie Gentile, communications coordinator
cgentile@roostadk.com; 518.621.3665
Franklin County celebrates new brand for Malone Region
MALONE, NY — Franklin County and the Malone Region are happy to announce a comprehensive brand that will help promote the area as one of New York’s finest destinations.
A brand is a unique image and message that increases awareness of the community for both tourism and for economic development when adopted and integrated consistently. The Malone brand was developed by the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) in conjunction with stakeholders, which include community representatives, elected officials, county representatives, the Malone Chamber of Commerce, and business owners.
The Malone Region logo consists of a custom typography encased in an oval badge design. Above the typography is a gently rolling mountain silhouette to represent the more mountainous areas of the region. The starry sky represents the dark sky opportunities unique to the Malone area. It also gives a nod to Malone’s nickname of “The Star of the North,” with one big star centrally positioned in the sky. The other stars represent the many diverse communities that make up the region. Below the typography is a graphical representation of agricultural fields and a winding river. This represents the Malone Region’s agricultural heritage and the waterways that tie the area together.
The brand materials include variations for each of the towns that comprise the Malone region, including Bangor, Bellmont, Bombay, Brainardsville, Brandon, Brushton, Burke, Chateaugay, Constable, Dickinson, Duane, Fort Covington, Moira, Mountain View, Owls Head, Paul Smiths, Waverly, St. Regis Falls, and Westville. The brand materials also include a number of color variations that can be used to convey the sense of each of the seasons.
“The Malone Region is home to a unique mix of people, places, and attractions, and the new brand captures the most notable aspects of the area,” ROOST CEO Jim McKenna said. “The brand will help draw people into the many communities that make up the Malone Region. From the stars to the fields, the brand creates a consistent but unique way for the communities of the Malone Region and northern Franklin County to identify themselves.”
“The Malone Region includes great communities, a beautiful and diverse natural landscape, and amazing people,” Franklin County Local Development Corporation CEO Jeremy Evans said. “By combining the marketing efforts for the entire region we’re able to promote all of the tourism assets under one brand with one consistent message resulting in greater awareness of the Malone Region as a tourism destination.”
The typography used in the new brand is based on the original, hand-designed font on the cover of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s famed tome Farmer Boy. Farmer Boy was based on the life of the region’s own Almanzo Wilder, husband of Laura, whose inspirational homestead in Burke is still a draw for fans of the Little House on the Prairie books.
Businesses and towns are encouraged to utilize the new brand, and as consistency is key in developing a successful brand, examples and guidelines for use of the brand materials can be found at www.visitmalone.com/brand.
For more information, contact ROOST Director of Marketing Michelle Clement at mclement@roostadk.com or 518-621-3689.
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