20 Oct 41st Annual Empire State Winter Games Traditional Event Cancelled
ADIRONDACKS, NY – After careful consultation with our sponsors, sport coordinators, and local/state officials regarding the health and safety of everyone in our industry – our athletes, coaches, volunteers, spectators, and our longtime partners – we have made the difficult decision to postpone the 41st Annual Empire State Winter Games in the North Country. Empire State Winter Games events originally scheduled for January 28 – 31, 2021 will not take place. The challenges and uncertainty that COVID-19 has presented prevent the organization from appropriately planning, organizing, and producing events safely in 30+ different sports.
“Although the decision to cancel the Games in the traditional sense is a hard one, it is of the utmost importance to keep everyone safe during these unprecedented times,” says Molly Mayer, Executive Director of the Empire State Winter Games. “We are dedicated to producing a high quality event and ensuring all parties involved, including our local communities, remain safe.”
Empire State Winter Games remains hopeful to host a virtual or social media event for 2021 participants.
Founded in 1980, the Empire State Winter Games are a multi-day winter athletic competition headquartered in Lake Placid, N.Y. Amateur athletes of all ages and from all over the Northeast and Canada compete in more than 30 winter sports competitions over three days every February. The Empire State Winter Games are a community-driven event, courtesy of a partnership between the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST); the towns of North Elba, Wilmington, Tupper Lake, Harrietstown, Malone, and Brighton; the villages of Lake Placid, Tupper Lake, Paul Smiths, Malone, Wilmington, and Saranac Lake; the counties of Essex and Franklin; the New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA); and New York State Senator Betty Little. Connect with the Games on www.EmpireStateWinterGames.com, Facebook.com/ESWGames, and Instagram.com/ESWGames.
For more information, please visit www.EmpireStateWinterGames.com. Please direct all questions and inquiries to info@empirestatewintergames.com.
Media Contact: Molly Mayer

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