01 May Ausable Two-Fly Challenge Set To Lure Anglers To The Whiteface Region
The Ausable Two-Fly Challenge will bring more than 100 anglers to the Adirondack region of upstate New York from May 18-20. Organizers are encouraging those who’d like to take part to register early, as the event is quickly rebounding to pre-pandemic levels
Once again, the event will take place along the West Branch Ausable River, stretching from Lake Placid to Wilmington; a river that is world-renowned among fly fishing enthusiasts.
The Ausable Two-Fly Challenge promises some of the best fishing in the region with four competitive categories: junior, men, women and professional. The premise of the two-fly challenge is that anglers must catch fish within the catch-and-release section of the Ausable River, using only two flies each day.
The 3-day event begins with a kickoff celebration at the town beach on Thursday evening where participants can meet, share stories and discuss tournament strategy. The kickoff event will feature local music, a bonfire, food trucks and beverages.
Participants are also invited to a fly tier’s reception Friday evening at Rudy’s Scar Bar and Grille. The weekend wraps up Saturday evening with a banquet at the Hungry Trout, complete with prizes, raffles, and awards.
Two-fly challenge participants must fish with a partner, record the total number of fish caught, the length of each, and the cumulative number of inches. Only fish handled by the angler and successfully released will count toward the participant’s total score. The winner is determined by the highest cumulative length of fish caught. Official rules will be sent with registration confirmations.
According to Michelle Preston, director of the Whiteface Region Visitors Bureau, the Ausable Two-Fly Challenge brings anglers from across the nation to the region. “This event has grown so much over the years,” she commented. “It has served to elevate the Ausable River’s west branch with anglers. They enjoy being able to take part in this event year after year and feel good knowing that their participation benefits local sustainability efforts.”
The Ausable River is known for its diversity, luring anglers from across North America to explore its renowned West Branch. The river holds vast amounts of oxygen supplied by cold water tumbling over the rocks and boulders, which also provide plenty of hiding places, food and resting spots. The river is famous for the large amount of pocket water, where the best trout often live. The river also harbors slower sections that are deep and cool with undercut banks.
Anglers can learn more and register for the event at AusableFlyFishing.com. Proceeds benefit conservation efforts in the region; raising money and supporting non-profits that work to educate, preserve the river’s ecosystem, and monitor its health.
Jane Hooper, communications manager
Regional Office Of Sustainable Tourism
518.621.3662 or 518.578.6328 | jane@roostadk.com
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