Is there a cost to add an event to the calendar?
Adding your event to the calendar is FREE.
How do I add my event?
To add your event, simply click the “add event” button on any of our region calendars, complete the form, and submit. It really is that easy.
What information is needed?
In addition to the basic information of what, when, and where, a good description of the event should inform people about what your event is about and excite them to attend. For example: Does your event have live music? If so, provide a description of the type of music the band plays. Does your event have a schedule of activities? If so, make sure to include it.
Don’t forget to add important information such as links to websites for more information, who to contact with questions, etc.
What kind of photos/images are best?
In addition to a strong description, great photos really help draw attention to your event. In general, landscape or horizontally-oriented photos work better for these event calendars than logos or event flyers. Many of our calendars will allow you to upload multiple images for maximum impact.
Will my event appear on the calendar immediately after I submit it?
All event submissions need to be reviewed and approved prior to them appearing on the website. This can take up to two business days. If more information is needed our calendar administrators may reach out to you so please keep an eye on your inbox.
What if I want to add my event to more than one region’s event calendar?
If you are hosting a large event that would attract people to travel from other areas to attend, you may be able to list it on multiple websites without having to fill out the form over and over again. To do this, simply complete the form for the region where your event will be hosted. Then send an email to your regional ROOST representative (or use the contact us links below) and let them know what other region site you feel your event should be listed on.
What if I want to make changes to an event that is already listed?
If your event is already listed on one of our regional event calendars, simply use the contact us links below to make the request for changes, additions, etc.
What is the Insider?
The Insider is a bi-weekly email that goes out to our subscriber list on Tuesday and Friday mornings at 10 a.m. It includes the upcoming schedule of events, important local notices, and other local and regional information.
How do I add my event to the Insider?
By adding your event to the events calendar, it will automatically be added to that region’s Insider email.
Can I sign up to receive the Insider?
Absolutely. Simply use the signup links below.
I have additional questions, who do I contact?
Use the regions’ Contact Us links below or email
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We are not sure … get started today using the quick start links below!