Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism Develops Weekly Fall Foliage Report

03 Sep Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism Develops Weekly Fall Foliage Report

The Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism is debuting its newly developed weekly foliage report, beginning in mid-September.

The report, emailed weekly to those who request it, will provide information about fall foliage in the Adirondacks. The weekly report will indicate which areas are beginning to experience color change, which are in transition and which are approaching peak color. Generally speaking, the timing of peak fall foliage follows the landscape, with trees at higher elevations showcasing their bright colors first. The most abundant color begins in September throughout the higher elevations, with the lower elevation mountains and valleys in the Adirondack Park reaching peak sometime in mid-October.

According to ROOST Communications Manager Jane Hooper, people are often eager to learn about the timing of peak color. “While it is challenging to predict, we often say: ‘fall begins in the Adirondacks,’ with the colorful display typically beginning in late summer and early fall, due to the region’s high elevation and cool temperatures,” she said. “One of the most often-asked questions we receive is about the timing of peak fall foliage. This report provides easy access to that information each week, so that travelers can plan their visit to coincide with the incredible fall scenery.”

The Adirondack Park is located within a day’s drive of 25% of the entire North American population, making it a popular fall destination for hiking, paddling, leaf-peeping excursions or other outdoor activities. 

The weekly fall foliage report, based on data gathered throughout the Adirondacks, is assembled and delivered directly to those who have requested the weekly update. Many tourism-focused organizations across New York provide similar accounts each week to the state, tracking peak foliage throughout the state. ROOST’s weekly foliage report uses the same reporting method, while focusing on the Adirondack region, specifically. 

These reports will be delivered beginning in mid-September, continuing through mid- to late October. Those wishing to sign up for the weekly emails can do so by visiting:

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